Tips for Creating a Perfect Space in Open-Plan Kitchens in Stouffville Real Estate

22/11/2021 15:04
Nowadays, most homebuyers are inclined towards open-plan living. This means fewer walls in a home and an illusion of endless space. When evaluating the homes for sale in the Stouffville real estate market, you will probably come across many open-plan kitchens. If you wonder how to style these kitchens for the perfect space, here are tips to inspire you.
Keep it simple
When decorating an open-plan kitchen, you want cohesion between the living area and the kitchen. The best alternative to achieve this is by keeping your decorating sleek and simple. Opt for colors that balance out each other, then use accent colors in rugs, dining chairs, table runners, and throw pillows to differentiate the living area and kitchen.
Zone your kitchen, dining, and living areas
An open plan kitchen still needs defined sections for seating, cooking, and dining though they open to each other. The dining table should be ideally placed between the living and cooking areas in this setting. Although most options in Stouffville real estate have in-built appliances and cabinets that define the kitchen, some don’t. If your home does not, consider having the kitchen on the side of the room that opens to the outdoors to make outdoor entertaining easy.
Pick a suitable worktop material
In an open-plan kitchen, the worktop is not solely for preparing meals. It also determines how well the elements in your space work together and often doubles as a dining area. Pick a material that withstands constant use and is easy to clean because the worktop will be in constant view of guests. Stone and laminate are good options for your worktop material.
You should not opt out of a home in the Stouffville real estate market because it has an open-plan kitchen. This is no longer hard to style with the above guidelines. Thankfully, the open-plan kitchen works for all family setups and sizes.

